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Wana Udobang

Wana Udobang


Wana Udobang is a Nigeria-based freelance journalist and documentary filmmaker who works at the intersection of women’s rights, social justice, climate change, culture and the arts. She has worked with the BBC, Aljazeera, The Guardian, Africa Report, Ozy, Index on Censorship, and News Deeply.
She has received the International Reporting Project(IRP) Fellowship, IWMF Great Lakes Reporting Fellowship, and the Gabriel Garcia Marquez Fellowship in Cultural Journalism.
Topic Interests: Sickle cell disease, HIV, sexual and reproductive health rights, mental health, culture and art.

Job Title: Freelance writer
Contact Details:
Location: Nigeria
Languages Spoken: English
Topic Interests: Women's rights, Human rights, Health
Local/Demographic Interests: SubSaharan Africa, Latin America