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Sri Lanka eliminates malaria through tight vigil
Droughts ‘worsen’ poverty, vulnerability, inequality
More deadly landslides expectable in Sri Lanka
Farming goes to town
Sri Lanka faces urban malaria threat
Dry-seeded rice shows promise
‘Climate change will hit South Asian crop security’
Arabian Sea at high risk of quakes and tsunamis


Jaffna aquifer depleting from overuse

Researchers are calling for regulation of groundwater use in Sri Lanka's Jaffna peninsula to prevent a future crisis.


Agrochemicals blamed for chronic kidney disease in Sri Lanka


Sri Lanka’s anti-malaria drives pay off

Thanks to sustained public health campaigns, Sri Lanka may succeed in eradicating malaria by 2014.



Sri Lankan crops and water hit by tsunami salt

Water supplies and agricultural land in Sri Lanka were heavily contaminated with salt water by last month's tsunami.


Dilrukshi Handunnetti
